Houston Bamboo Nursery

A Hidden Bamboo Garden Paradise ...

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Friday, 28 March 2025 1:20pm

10815 Leitz Rd, Houston, TX 77075   Phone 832-713-4319  Service@amazonbamboo.com Monday thru Saturday 8-5pm, 6 days a week Visitors are welcome anytime during business hours


©2009 Houston Bamboo Nursery, LLC  Worldwide Rights Reserved. ®

Sasaella Masamuneana 'Albostriata'

Classification:  Running bamboo     

Origin:  Japan

Max Ht:  6'                                      

Max Dia:  .25"

Min. Temp:  0 F                               

Light: (shade-sun 1-5) 3-5                        

Uses: Groundcover

    Sasaella masamuneana 'Albostriata' has stunning variegation. It, like many other groundcover bamboos, benefits from mowing to the ground early each spring. Annual mowing is especially important with this bamboo to rejuvenate the stunning variegation, as it tends to grow more green foliage during the summer and more variegated foliage in the spring. This bamboo is vigorous and should be contained, unless rampant spreading is your desire. It is popular for its vigor and medium height

Running Bamboo

Sasaella Masamuneana 'Albostriata' Plant